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Undergraduate Psychiatry Survey

What is the title of the project?

Exploring the teaching and assessment of undergraduate psychiatry in the medical schools of the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods approach.

What is the project about?

The project aims to find out how psychiatry is being taught to medical students in universities across the United Kingdom.  We are using a mixed-methods approach, asking undergraduate leads of psychiatry at each university to fill in a written survey and attend subsequent semi-structured interviews.  

What is the project timeline?

As of October 2021, just over half of UK medical schools have filled in our written survey.  We plan to conduct interviews between January - February 2022. We are due to present our findings at the RCPsych International Congress in June 2022.

If you have any questions or comments, please email
Ms Deepika Sharma (project co-lead) at 


Who can I contact to find out more?


Meet the Research Team

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Radbourne Unit

Royal Derby Hospital


DE22 3WQ




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